Prehistoric sites

Cultural heritage and natural resources of the Vivarais-Lignon Plateau.
In the middle of nature, during your walks, if you choose to follow the discovery circuit of prehistoric sites provided by the association “Environnement et Patrimoine du Mazet-St-Voy” (Environment and heritage in Mazet-St-Voy), your itinerary will lead you from a site to another one and from surprise to surprise !
The theory of a protohistoric occupation is provided by the existence of dolmens, menhirs (standing stones) and “pierres à cuvette” (large rocks that collect rainwater).



  • Des Pennes Dolmen

Located in Les Vastres (8km from Le Chambon-sur-Lignon). Characterized as a monument of world cultural heritage.

  • De Vacheresse Dolmen

Located in Cros du Riou (2km500 from Mazet-St-Voy). A granite structure of 2,65 meters long and 1,80 meters wide.

Longitude 4.14 44 03 Latitude 45 03 46 75

  • “Pierre à cuvette du Bois de la Crois” (large rock that contains rainwater)

Located in Pont du Riou (bridge). Follow the road « RD 500 » between Mazet-St-Voy and Tence.

Longitude 4.14 26 70 Latitude 45 03 33 75.

  • Menhir in Saint-Jeures

Follow the direction of Araules, 150 metres from the crossroad

Longitude 4.12 09 90 Latitude 45 05 50 02

  • “Pierre à cuvette des Hostes” (large rock that contains rainwater)

Located in Mazet-St-Voy.

Longitude 4.14 29 76 Latitude 45 04 25 19

  • “Pierres à cuvette du Fourezon” (large rock that contains rainwater)

Located in Mazet-St-Voy.

Longitude 4.150621 – Latitude 45 045959.

  • “Pierres à cuvette de Crouzilhac” (large rock that contains rainwater)

Located in Tence.

  • « Pierres à cuvette de Lavalette » (large rock that contains rainwater)

Located in Tence.